Anna Gottwaldova


Through this work I express strong empathetic feelings for my closest ones.
I project photographs of their physical pain and injuries onto my body. Some of which belong to family members in late stage illnesses, some belong to friends struggling with depression. In doing so, I relieve them of their pain and take it upon myself. 

videoprojection, 2021

The movement is connected to light, in Echoes I work with motion capture data collecting and then create a video recording. A stream of white dots (captured human movement) fills the black space and activates the observer of the work.

The gradual flood of light information plays with the viewer’s perception, flooding the mind. With data building up, the moving figure occasionally emerges, and the viewer recognizes bodily movement, leaving behind their initial abstract imaginings.

The Last Drop

Visualization and small-scale model of the public space installation in cooperation with the city of Roudnice nad Labem and the Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem.

Micro and macro
video, 2021

Cosmos, chaos and order, micro and macro, black and white, reality and fiction.

videoprojection, 2023

Projection of baroque geometry for the multimedia event ILLUMINATE! at Trpísty Castle.

The Waiting
video installation, 2020

The work was created in Litovel during the period of quarantine lockdown. It reflects the endless, almost meditative views from the window of my own room.
Denial of the elements, passage of time, views from the window.

Medicamentum malum

video, photography, 2023

I capture the desperate struggle to conform to the perfect female face, the pressure to be beautiful and successful, and I use a certain irony to do so. I stretch, push, and squeeze my face. Objects prevent me from seeing, breathing, and moving my muscles.

Rottweil Jagd 2,7mm
object, 2020

object, 2022